Newest addition to the marine tank-- a Bicolour Blenny !! Chanced upon it when popping by the LFS... been looking for it for quite some time... $6 for an active and healthy specimen, just had to grab it... settled well into the tank on the first day and getting out to feed plus chasing the jewel damsel should be a good sign its doing well... Supposedly easy to feed and helps control/ consume some algae...
Have successfully transferred all livestock from my previous 2-feet tank to a new (or rather second-hand) 3-feet tank. No full tank shot yet as I have yet to finalise the rock placements and coral placements. Lighting is also yet to be upgraded so all corals face the middle where the light is cast by my 2 feet T5 lights.
Current spotlight is on my mushroom corals that have been successfully transferred and opened up well...
The mushroom corner
...a favourite painted mushroom
..common yumas
...fluorescent green mushrooms spotted red mushrooms-- the fastest grower and reproducers
Mushroom Corals Mushroom Corals are also referred to as Mushroom Anemones, Disc Anemones, False Corals, or corallimorphs. They are solitary anemones that are classified in the order Corallimorpharia. These corals share some of the same features of both true anemones and hard corals. These corals are found throughout the world, mainly on rocky reefs. Mushroom Corals are hardy and make ideal corals for the beginner reef aquarist. Mushroom Corals that have long tentacles are aggressive toward other types of corals, so provide these corals with adequate space. Different genera and species of Mushroom Corals have different light and water flow requirements.
Using a highly-developed mucus capture and transport system, these corals derive nutrients by collecting and ingesting particulate matter suspended in the water around them, and from their zooxanthellae.
Used in my red sea prizm media basket to further purify the water exiting the skimmer...about 50gms weekly can keep my marine tank looking pristine... (a 500gm package can last me about 8-10weeks this way....